Archive for the ‘wilhelm-gustloff’ Tag

Wilhelm Gustloff – The Greatest Ship Disaster and Sinking in History   Leave a comment

“There is still much for people to learn. Similar to its wreck in relatively shallow waters in the Baltic, the Gustloff still largely remains below the waterline of consciousness in historical awareness.”

And God only knows what other horrors mankind has gone through fighting insane, senseless wars. We can’t afford this kind of destruction and tragedies anymore, because we are not only destroying ourselves, but also our world.

Posted March 30, 2008 by blackswanm18 in History

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Film recalls horror of worlds worst maritime disaster – Europe, World – The Independent   Leave a comment

From the page: “Mr Schö*remembers the torpedoes striking the ship and then trying to climb the main gangway to the upper deck. “After a few metres there were just the dead bodies of women and children who had been trampled to death in the panic,” he said. On the heavily listing upper deck he ran into a Nazi official who pulled out a pistol and shot his wife and child in the head before turning the weapon on himself. “At that point he ran out of ammunition and had no option but to drop into the sea,” he said.”

One scene of a horrific episode of the senseless war.

Posted March 29, 2008 by blackswanm18 in History

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