Archive for the ‘titanic’ Tag

Pictures of the Titanic – Photographs and drawings of the Titanic   Leave a comment

RMS Titanic in the Dock.
Seeing her pictures is like listening again to that old sad song you can’t get enough of…

Posted January 3, 2011 by blackswanm18 in History

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Browsing deviantART   Leave a comment

RMS Titanic at Cherbourge, France.

I likethe funnel projections.

Posted August 28, 2010 by blackswanm18 in Drawing

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Imágenes de la revista Life del hundimiento del Titanic | Microsiervos (MundoReal™)   Leave a comment

The ship’s decks as lifeboats. How possible is that idea? There’s the concept, created a long time ago, now will somebody ever develop it?

Posted September 1, 2009 by blackswanm18 in History

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Imágenes de la revista Life del hundimiento del Titanic | Microsiervos (MundoReal™)   Leave a comment

The ship’s decks as lifeboats. How possible is that idea? There’s the concept, created a long time ago, now will somebody ever develop it?

Posted September 1, 2009 by blackswanm18 in History

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RMS Titanic leaving the White Star dock on her maiden voyage on April 10, 1912.

Posted February 22, 2009 by blackswanm18 in History

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Titanic sailing by ~Pablo-M on deviantART   Leave a comment

Great, great image!

Posted December 27, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Arts

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Titanic Sinking History,read the newspaper article of the titanic,titanic articles 1912,titanic disaster history,Titanic history primary source,TITANIC NEWSPAPER ARTICLES,titanic articles from 1912,articles on the titanic,   Leave a comment

Very nice selection of articles, they are .pdf files with the look of the original articles. There are also links to videos and interviews.

Posted December 8, 2008 by blackswanm18 in History

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Titanic Sinking History,read the newspaper article of the titanic,titanic articles 1912,titanic disaster history,Titanic history primary source,TITANIC NEWSPAPER ARTICLES,titanic articles from 1912,articles on the titanic,   Leave a comment

Very nice selection of articles, they are .pdf files with the look of the original articles. There are also links to videos and interviews.

Posted December 8, 2008 by blackswanm18 in History

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A diagram of RMS Titanic’s different areas. I’ll take a comment from a friend regarding the difference between today’s modern liners and those classic liners of old: “Impressive lump of steel! However big these new floating tower blocks of liners are, they have a very long way to go to match the elegance of the classic Queens!”

Posted October 13, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Uncategorized

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Vintage Posters – Titanic on vintage posters   Leave a comment

The one I’d like to have is the one showing (quite inaccurately) the sinking.

Posted October 10, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Arts

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