Archive for the ‘ships’ Tag

Orkney Image Library – German Fleet in Scapa Flow   Leave a comment

The distant panoramic view of the ships takes us back a long time ago.
Thanks Stef for sending me this one!

Posted August 23, 2011 by blackswanm18 in History

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Dixie Queen mock paddle steamer for sale [14 December 2010]   Leave a comment

Brought from Stockholm to the Thames a decade ago, the Dixie Queen is a replica 19th-century Mississippi paddle steamer.

Posted July 3, 2011 by blackswanm18 in Transportation

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Vintage Works – Search our Gallery of Images   Leave a comment

Jozf Emiel Borrenbergen – Ships, Barges and Towboats in Harbor

Posted November 15, 2010 by blackswanm18 in Photography

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Its a colorful world | SkitZone   Leave a comment

Yes, it is.

Posted September 30, 2010 by blackswanm18 in Photography

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Vessel name: Jumbo Javelin
Similar vessel: Fairpartner
Type: Heavy lift vessel.
In order to increase operational flexibility, the deckhouse and bridge are placed forward and only extend across half the deck-width. This solution maximises longitudinal deck space, allowing for the comfortable accommodation of reactor columns which can exceed 150m in length.
(info from g-captain forum)

A new blog with cool images, videos and whatnot!

Posted September 22, 2010 by blackswanm18 in Weblogs

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ShipSpot   Leave a comment

A new blog featuring research on some details that make an apparently ordinary ship, extraordinary.

Posted September 6, 2010 by blackswanm18 in Weblogs

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ShipSpot   Leave a comment

A new blog featuring research on some details that make an apparently ordinary ship, extraordinary.

Posted September 6, 2010 by blackswanm18 in Weblogs

Tagged with , , – Jens Kling. Photo overview.   Leave a comment

I posted this one from a pic dump sometime ago but I’m glad now I got the original site.

Posted July 25, 2010 by blackswanm18 in Photography

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1936 Japan’s idea of futuristic ocean liners : The Scuttlefish   Leave a comment

That’s a Japanese 1936 illustration of a modern ocean liner the cargo of which is dedicated to carry life saving vessels for emergencies.

Posted July 23, 2010 by blackswanm18 in Arts

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Ship of the Day: FAIRMOUNT SUMMIT – Characteristics and pictures of a new ship entering Rotterdam every day   Leave a comment

Anchor-handling tug Fairmount Summit (IMO: 9315563, Port of Registry: Panama). This 75 metres long, 18 metres wide tug has an engine capacity of 16,320 BHP which is delivered by a Wartsila W6L32. This capacity gives the vessel a 205 ton bollard pull. She was built in 2005 at Niigata, Japan and is owned by the dutch company Fairmount Marine.

Posted May 23, 2010 by blackswanm18 in Netherlands

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