Archive for the ‘poetry’ Tag

Ah, Are You Digging On My Grave? by Thomas Hardy – Read Print   Leave a comment

I remember when I read this poem in my student years. I was moved when I read it was the dog digging. Then it made me laugh when the dog said what he was really doing!

Posted November 30, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Books

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sidewaysstations reviews – StumbleUpon   Leave a comment

Whistling certainly is part of our culture. We also whistle our favorite songs to entertain ourselves, and make poor attempts to imitate the birds in the wild. This short poem has that Mexican magic all over, is like looking through a window and discovering one nice detail in everyday life. Good job!

Posted June 14, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Stumblers

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What the Dog Perhaps Hears — Lisel Mueller   Leave a comment

Lovely, thoughtful poem.

Posted March 29, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Poetry

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Octavio Paz – Nobel Lecture   Leave a comment

With the Mexican Revolution:
“México buscaba al presente afuera y lo encontró adentro, enterrado pero vivo. La búsqueda de la modernidad nos llevó a descubrir nuestra antigüedad, el rostro oculto de la nación. Inesperada lección histórica ”

Los beneficios de la técnica moderna son incontables pero es imposible cerrar los ojos ante las matanzas, torturas, humillaciones, degradaciones y otros daños que han sufrido millones de inocentes en nuestro siglo.

…las puertas de la percepción se entreabren y aparece el otro tiempo, el verdadero, el que buscábamos sin saberlo: el presente, la presencia.

These are only a few of the many interesting points in this lecture. It’s available in English, and in a Real Audio file.

Posted February 14, 2007 by blackswanm18 in Literature

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Octavio Paz   Leave a comment

Excellent site about the life and biography of Octavio Paz and includes an analysis of El Laberinto de la Soledad.
“Mexicans who subscribe to mimetismo and try to copy other cultures not only show their feelings of inferiority toward the United States, but also remove any possibility of saving their Mexican heritage. ”
The links to the Nobel Foundation Page are outdated, but it’s not difficult to find the new location. Of special interest is his lecture La Busqueda del Presente.

Posted February 14, 2007 by blackswanm18 in Literature

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Los Poetas   Leave a comment

From México to Argentina, all the very best poetry authors, with audio files, poetry links, a rhyme dictionary. A very complete source for poetry in Spanish.

Posted December 21, 2006 by blackswanm18 in Poetry

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