Archive for the ‘olympic-class’ Tag

Mark Chirnsides Reception Room: Olympic, Titanic & Britannic: Welcome   Leave a comment

Articles, interviews and news about classic liners.

Posted March 3, 2009 by blackswanm18 in History

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Cruceros con Historia   Leave a comment

Parte del Foro del sitio Hay información interesante recopilada por los integrantes del foro, entre lo que me gustó más está un homenaje a los barcos de la White Star, clase Olympic.

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Gigantic concepts...Titanic dreams...

Posted January 13, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Forums

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MaritimeQuest – HMHS Britannic (1914) Page 1   Leave a comment

Photo gallery. 3 pages. Here’s Olympic (7 pages) and Titanic (14 pages and three special sections) from the same site.
There’s a couple of very interesting sites in the links section, one of them about Titanic.

Posted December 31, 2006 by blackswanm18 in History

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Titanic Research and Modeling Association   Leave a comment

The most interesting aspect of this site are the research articles, that provide detailed information on a lot of aspects about the Olympic class ships, like how the bunkers were filled with coal, or the exact definition of the color of the ship’s funnels, to mention only a couple.

Posted December 13, 2006 by blackswanm18 in History

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