Archive for the ‘new-york’ Tag

Captured: New York City from Above | Plog — World, National Photos, Photography and Reportage — The Denver Post   Leave a comment

Aerial view of ships docked at the New York Cruise Terminal on the West Side of Manhattan, 01 July 2007, in New York City. (STAN HONDA/AFP/Getty Images)

Aerial view of Madison Square Garden, 01 July 2007, in New York City. (STAN HONDA/AFP/Getty Images)

Well, there’s also a photo of old Yankee Stadium, but not one of either Shea Stadium, the new Mets stadium or the Islanders arena. Good collection anyway. The amount of concrete and steel can not equal the beauty of a natural landscape.

Posted November 24, 2010 by blackswanm18 in New York

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