Archive for the ‘mexico’ Tag

Gran Nebulosa de Orion. | Astronomia y Astrofotografia   Leave a comment

La Gran Nebulosa de Orión, catalogada por Charles Messier como M42 y M43, esta última es la pequeña nebulosa en forma de coma hacia el centro de la fotografía, es una de las nebulosas mas brillantes de nuestra galaxia, incluso en algún lugar obscuro, es posible observarla a simple vista. Es también la nebulosa mas estudiada, analizada y fotografiada por los astrónomos, pues en ella hay una gran actividad de estrellas jóvenes a partir de las nebulosas de gases y polvo interestelar.

Posted March 29, 2011 by blackswanm18 in Astronomy

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This is the church where one of my best friends got married. It’s near my house, but, here everything is near.

Posted December 28, 2010 by blackswanm18 in Photography

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In Deep – Bodies of water bring us comfort, euphoria, life. & Pictory   Leave a comment

Ik Kil Cenote

During an adventure through Mexico, my best friend and I stopped at a Mayan Village called Ik Kil. We were told that there was a cold cenote (or sinkhole) nearby for swimming, but since it was pouring rain, we werenâ€t too excited about it. We opted to go just to photograph the people crazy enough to swim there. The second we saw it, we decided to dive 50 feet into the cold, catfish-filled waters. And then repeat. It remains one of the most magical experiences of my life.
Christina McNeill.

Posted August 27, 2010 by blackswanm18 in Photography

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Mexicovillaworld – Photo Gallery    Leave a comment

Some expensive villa for sale in Guadalajara.

Posted January 25, 2010 by blackswanm18 in Photography

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Clouds over Cerro De La Silla | Flickr – Photo Sharing!   Leave a comment

Segments of clouds rolling over the Cerro de la Silla.

Posted September 30, 2009 by blackswanm18 in Photography

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Now why the heck should I write a review if I when all I want to do is post a damn picture?!

This gal reminded me of the Tom petty song, I forget, maybe Joe, or Money is King, something like that…you know put her on stage and have her undress…

Posted August 22, 2009 by blackswanm18 in Celebrities

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History of Art: Jose Clemente Orozco   Leave a comment

Jose Clemente Orozco, one of the most important Mexican mural painters. This is part of a very interesting site about the history of art.

Posted July 11, 2009 by blackswanm18 in Arts

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Oaxacan Bug 6 – JPG Photos   Leave a comment

Oaxaca has a lot of bugs.

Posted June 21, 2009 by blackswanm18 in Photography

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sr. mexicant album covers   Leave a comment

Sure boss!, you know what?, I’ve seen albums with lots of chicks in bikinis, ohhhh they sure have some great asses!!!

Posted February 27, 2009 by blackswanm18 in South America

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sr. mexicant album covers   Leave a comment

Sure boss!, you know what?, I’ve seen albums with lots of chicks in bikinis, ohhhh they sure have some great asses!!!

Posted February 27, 2009 by blackswanm18 in South America

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