Archive for the ‘illustrations’ Tag

Thomas Kuhlenbeck ***Illustrator*** Realistic Style   Leave a comment

Unispiegel / I am a feminist – female students writing porn and being proud of it.

Posted April 27, 2011 by blackswanm18 in Nude Art

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Tara McPherson | EMPTY KINGDOM You are Here, We are Everywhere   Leave a comment

Tara McPherson.

Many artists express their talent through different media and this site is a showcase for them.

Posted March 23, 2011 by blackswanm18 in Painting

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Here’s a mighty Battleship as seen by the great Russian illustrator that published Machinalia

He did many covers for Time and other publications, and he also illustrated brochures for cruise ships companies.

Posted December 2, 2008 by blackswanm18 in IT

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Here’s a mighty Battleship as seen by the great Russian illustrator that published Machinalia

He did many covers for Time and other publications, and he also illustrated brochures for cruise ships companies.

Posted December 2, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Uncategorized

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