Archive for the ‘forums’ Tag

Statue Forum – The Viking Thread.   Leave a comment

German country girl

Posted March 27, 2010 by blackswanm18 in Adult Humor

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She looks cute. A ship with some personality. A Diva!

Posted June 7, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Photography

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Login To: User Groups   Leave a comment

Interesting topic about ghost ships and RMS Queen Mary.

Posted March 25, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Forums

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Me gusta mucho la sección de galerias. Todavía no he podido echarle un vistazo a las demás secciones, y ya llevo como tres dias visitando el sitio.

Posted February 22, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Travel

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Me gusta mucho la sección de galerias. Todavía no he podido echarle un vistazo a las demás secciones, y ya llevo como tres dias visitando el sitio.

Posted February 22, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Travel

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Cruceros con Historia   Leave a comment

Parte del Foro del sitio Hay información interesante recopilada por los integrantes del foro, entre lo que me gustó más está un homenaje a los barcos de la White Star, clase Olympic.

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Gigantic concepts...Titanic dreams...

Posted January 13, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Forums

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Dinosaur Artwork of the Day – Unexplained Mysteries Discussion Forums   Leave a comment

More dinosaur illustrations, some are a bit bigger than in the other thread.
Some clever guy killed off the thread.
user posted image

Posted February 15, 2007 by blackswanm18 in Paleontology

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Dinosaur of the Day – Unexplained Mysteries Discussion Forums   Leave a comment

Thread with illustrations and info about a lot of dinosaurs. lt lasted from April to October 2006, very good content.

Posted February 15, 2007 by blackswanm18 in Paleontology

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Dinosaur of the Day – Unexplained Mysteries Discussion Forums   Leave a comment

Thread with illustrations and info about a lot of dinosaurs. lt lasted from April to October 2006, very good content.

Posted February 15, 2007 by blackswanm18 in Paleontology

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