Archive for the ‘astronomy’ Tag

Alan Friedman | Averted Imagination   Leave a comment

The latest photos include some amazing Sun photographs.

Posted September 20, 2011 by blackswanm18 in Photography

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Saturn’s biggest kids play peek-a-boo | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine   Leave a comment

Saturnian moon Rhea peeking out from behind the much larger Titan.

Posted July 1, 2011 by blackswanm18 in Astronomy

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Reader Photos: Super Speedy Solar Prominence | Wired Science |   Leave a comment

Ejectile prominences alright.

Posted June 3, 2011 by blackswanm18 in Science

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Hubble Observes the Star that Changed the Universe | Hubble Space Telescope | Edwin Hubble Cepheid Variable Star |   Leave a comment

BOSTON — In homage to its namesake, the Hubble Space Telescope recently photographed a star that astronomer Edwin Hubble observed in 1923, changing the course of astronomy forever.

The star is a variable star that pulses brighter and dimmer in a regular pattern, which allowed scientists to determine its distance, suggesting for the first time that other galaxies exist beyond our own Milky Way.

“I would argue this is the single most important object in the history of cosmology,” said astronomer David Soderblom of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md., who proposed pointing the Hubble Space Telescope at the star.

Posted May 24, 2011 by blackswanm18 in Astronomy

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Ensign Software – ESPL: Dances of the Planets   Leave a comment

Posted May 2, 2011 by blackswanm18 in Astronomy

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The Tripatorium™ | Hey, Joopita!   Leave a comment

Very interesting videos and pics in this site.

Posted April 6, 2011 by blackswanm18 in Astronomy

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Gran Nebulosa de Orion. | Astronomia y Astrofotografia   Leave a comment

La Gran Nebulosa de Orión, catalogada por Charles Messier como M42 y M43, esta última es la pequeña nebulosa en forma de coma hacia el centro de la fotografía, es una de las nebulosas mas brillantes de nuestra galaxia, incluso en algún lugar obscuro, es posible observarla a simple vista. Es también la nebulosa mas estudiada, analizada y fotografiada por los astrónomos, pues en ella hay una gran actividad de estrellas jóvenes a partir de las nebulosas de gases y polvo interestelar.

Posted March 29, 2011 by blackswanm18 in Astronomy

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Amy Mainzer   Leave a comment

Wow! Look at that!

What is it?

It’s beautiful!

Posted March 14, 2011 by blackswanm18 in Astronomy

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The Planets That Missed the Memo About How to Orbit | New Planets | DISCOVER Magazine   Leave a comment

Backwards orbits, different degrees, planets tossed out of their system, amazing!

Posted March 8, 2011 by blackswanm18 in Astronomy

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Very nice, but it misses one planet and one constellation.

Posted February 18, 2011 by blackswanm18 in Astronomy

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