Archive for the ‘Sports(General)’ Category – Photo Gallery – NHL Goalie Masks   Leave a comment


Posted November 1, 2007 by blackswanm18 in Sports(General)

Tagged with , – Photo Gallery – Cheerleader of the Week   Leave a comment

Beautiful girl. She’d be my choice any week.

Posted November 1, 2007 by blackswanm18 in Sports(General)

Tagged with – Photo Gallery – Cheerleader of the Week   Leave a comment

Beautiful girl. She’d be my choice any week.

Posted November 1, 2007 by blackswanm18 in Sports(General)

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No, it won’t!

Posted September 20, 2007 by blackswanm18 in Sports(General)

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Those stinking Rays are at it again. Glad to see them lose (not that l’m a Yankee fan) and that guy they chose over Jorge Cantú nowhere to be seen. What can you expect from a team that demotes their best player?

Posted April 3, 2007 by blackswanm18 in Sports(General)

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What’s the deal here? is it about Jorge Cantu or that one Dukes? They go on praising that guy and hardly get to mention Cantu. l’m biased because l’m a Mexican, but anyone can see this type of articles sucks. Big time.

Posted April 1, 2007 by blackswanm18 in Sports(General)

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My very own first and so far only contribution to Google Earth, a tour of all the Mexican league ballparks of the teams in both the summer and the winter leagues. There’s a lot of strange symbols in place of the accents in the words that take one.

Posted March 11, 2007 by blackswanm18 in Sports(General)

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