Archive for the ‘Humor’ Category

Rambo: The Dog   Leave a comment

Endearing site. The dog is a star!

Posted September 2, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Humor

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Oh boy.

Posted July 11, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Humor

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Oh boy.

Posted July 11, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Humor

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Just because strandline and daphoenuss did it first:

1: Type in “[your name] needs” in the Google search:
“Juan needs a boat name. I received this message from Juan a few days ago. Can you suggest a boat name for him? “
Very appropriate considering the main theme of my blog. But I already have a name for my boat, if I ever have one…

2: Type in “[your name] looks like” in Google search:
“This is what the name “Juan” looks like in Japanese:. “Juan” in Japanese characters. It is pronounced “HOAN”. “
Now I know.

3: Type in “[your name] does” in Google:
“Juan does bad things to people and blue things. View the full length Juan Does Bad Things video.”
I wouldn’t dare.

4: Type in “[your name] hates” in Google search:
“Juan hates musicals and I knew this one had quite a bit of singing in it, so I watched it by myself and I really enjoyed it!”
I’m so glad, I’m so glad, I’m so glad, I’m glad, I’m glad, I’m glad.

5: Type in “[your name] goes” or “..has gone” in Google.
“Juan goes on rape trial for 3 British school girls Friday, 19 January 2007”
So that damned liar was on to something then…

6: Type in “[your name] loves” in Google search:
“Well Juan loves to eat tortillas. made of corn but he can’t since. he married Josefina, cuz they. say that Josefina, Doesn’t like to. work in the cocina”
I actually had a girlfriend named Josefina!

7: Type in “[your name] eats” in Google search
“So you can’t say: Juan jala if you mean Juan is eating, although you can use comer this way.”
Yo si jalo.

8: Type in “[your name] has” in Google search:
“querido juan, has muerto finalmente. De nada te valieron tus pedazos mojados en ternura. …”
Un pedazo mojado. That’s a play on words, english speaking people.

9: Type in “[your name] works” in Google
“Juan works with photography, digital video, …”
Yeah, but just my own.

10: Type in”[your name] lives” in Google search
“Chapter 87: Don Juan lives again. My telephone rings. Hello? Hi, it’s me. How are you – feeling better now? Yes, thanks. Sorry I haven’t been in touch …”
Pretty much what I tell most of my friends…

11: Type in “[your name] died” in Google search
“Quizás quiso decir: Juan diego “
Oh Mexican culture!

12: Type in “[your name] will” in Google search
“As the campaign heats up, Juan will need your help to get the word out about his positive agenda for the Coastal Bend. Please enlist in the “Army of Juan!”‘
I’m not a politician, but get into my big black car anyway baby.

Posted July 5, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Humor

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According to a reliable source: “the brain won’t come in.”

Posted June 28, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Humor

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According to a reliable source: “the brain won’t come in.”

Posted June 28, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Humor

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Considering all the garbage comics like cyanide and whatever this is quite funny, and illustrates rather typical situations you might find yourself in.

Posted June 10, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Humor

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Considering all the garbage comics like cyanide and whatever this is quite funny, and illustrates rather typical situations you might find yourself in.

Posted June 10, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Humor

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Sea &naves Desktop Wallpaper #3   Leave a comment

Pretty good collection on several themes plus jokes and funny pictures.

Posted May 15, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Humor

Sea &naves Desktop Wallpaper #3   Leave a comment

Pretty good collection on several themes plus jokes and funny pictures.

Posted May 15, 2008 by blackswanm18 in Humor

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