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I’ve just found this Flickr sign generator site while using IE and these are the recomendations l read (italics mine):

  • Firefox is a powerful browser, fast and efficient. So is IE. But wait. FF is NOT fast.
  • Firefox is safe, it protects you from viruses and spyware. Well, maybe.  lf you know how to set it up.  Otherwise, no browser does that. You’ve got to have extra software to do that job.
  • Firefox automatically blocks pop-ups (ads). So does IE.
  • Firefox is a standardized browser. l don’t really know what this means, but l think it does not make it any different.
  • Firefox is for the internet freedom, and isn’t Microsoft monopolizing software. This, and all the previous statements are the equivalent of “Site best viewed with IE v. XX, etc.”

Anyway, l had to type this using FF because if l did so using IE, it won’t appear until l open the slow browser. Tell you what, l wouldn’t have to be doing this were l surfing with Opera, as l usually do.

Just show me what your site is about. l’m tired of your wise recommendations of using a slow, inefficient browser. However many extensions it might have are no good if the browser won’t get better.

Posted June 3, 2007 by blackswanm18 in Uncategorized

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